Plant extracts + MSM + collagen + vitamins + minerals for the normal condition of bones and joints, against the feeling of heavy legs and for the normal formation of collagen...

Vysoce čistý ß-1,3/1,6 D-glukan pro posílení přirozené obranyschopnosti organismu.Obsahuje také vitamín C v extraktu z rostliny acerola.Preparát je vhodný pro...

Echinacea kvetoucí nať a kořen ( Pavlovy bylinné kapky). Various Echinacea extracts and preparations have been shown to enhance natural killer cell activity....

Unique concentrated tincture made from 14 czech herbs for boosting of lymhatic system without alkohol Made in cooperation with doc med Rene Vlasák and Lymfoclinic CPM.. 50...

Herbal mixture for helping by constipation made by MUDr Jiří Landa Help by intestinal problems

Herbal tincture MUDr Jiří Landa is a mixture of 10 traditional plants without alcohol to strengthen immunity Recommend 20 drops 3x dayli 2 weeks directly on the tong...